Morning Coffee from Africa
When you think about coffee you feel the aroma and the taste in your brain. Coffee has become one of the most commonly consumed drug without any social stigma. Yes coffee is a drug to us a poison to insects, today we are going to have our Sunday coffee in the morning and look at the evolution and the impact of it in our world. Its Origin No one knows the exact origin about the person who discovered it or the location, as per the folk stories a man with his Sheep herd In some location in west Africa saw an uncommon behavior among the sheep and he notices that they were dancing in ecstasy after eating some fruits in the jungle. The man also tried eating the fruits and he also had ecstasy and thus with this started the relationship with humans and coffee. Apart from this folk tale there is scientific and archaeological evidence for the origin of coffee from Africa, from there it has traveled around the world with the help of European colonialism. Durin...