Death of Social Justice in Tamil Nadu

 Tamil Nadu is know as the front runner in the fight for social justice. The death of the student Anitha is not a death of a girl but it is the death of social justice in T.N.

We know that the Justice party introduced reservations in education , so that the people from backward class and the untouchables are given back the right which was taken away from them for more than 2000 years. The introduction of the communal G.O in 1927 was a landmark step in T.N but the story of reservation had a big hurdle in 1951.A case was filed in Madras high court and then it was taken to the supreme court, the case was known as "State of Madras vs Champakam Dorairajan. In that case champakam Dorairajan challenged the state's communal G.O. which established caste quotas in government supported medical and engineering colleges on the grounds that it denied her equality under the law, both courts had upheld her petition.

T.N. didn't submit itself to this case but an amendment was brought in the parliament and the fight was won for the social justice and because of the amendment the whole country benefited. We also have to see certain aspects of the case which is very  important and very much related to Anitha's death.

1. T.N. was ruled by congress government and there was no DMK or AIADMK MLAs or MPs for fight it out.

2.Congress man and the member of the constitutional drafting committee Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer was the lawyer for Champakam Dorairajan.

3.Finally when the amendment was proposed in the parliament it was opposed by Syama Prasad Mookerjee who is one of the ideological guru of BJP.


My heartfelt condolence on the death of Anitha    



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