“The whole history of India is made to appear as though the only important thing is the Muslim and the British invasions but our society is changed because of a ruthless invasion by the a Aryans”
Much of the ancient history of India is no history at all, not that ancient India has any history it has lot of it but has lost its character. The history has been only based on class and supported by mythology. This is been done by the Brahmin writers.  Fortunately with the help of the Buddhist literature we the see the real history of ancient India. It is necessary to have some idea of the degraded condition of the Aryan society at the time when Buddha started on the mission of his life.
“Gambling was widespread among the Aryans as drinking”
Every king has a hall of gambling attached to his palace. Every king had an expert gambler in his employment as a companion to play with.
Gambling was not merely a pastime with kings, they played with heavy stakes. They staked kingdoms, dependents, relatives, slaves and servants. King Nala staked everything in gambling with PAskkar and lost everything. The only thing he did not stake was himself and his wife Damayanti. There were kings who went beyond Nala. The Mahabharata tells how Dharma gambled and staked everything including his wife Draupadi.
Gambling was a matter of honour  with the Aryans and any invitation to gamble was regarded as an injury to one’s honour and dignity. Dharma gambled with such disastrous consequences although he was warned beforehand. His excuse was that as a man of honour he could not decline such an invitation.
Gambling infected even the common folk rig-veda contains lamentations of a poor Aryan ruined by gambling. The habit of gambling has become so common in kautilua’s time there were gambling houses licensed by kings from which the king derived considerable revenue.
The liquors were of two sorts in the Aryan society namely soma and sura. Soma was a sacrificial wine. The drinking of the soma was in the beginning permitted only to Brahmins, kashatriyans and vaishyas. Subsequently it was permitted only to Brahmins and kashatriyas. Its manufacture was a secret known only to the Brahmins. Sura was open to all and was drunk by all. The Brahmins also drank sura. The most shameful part of it was than even the Aryan women were addicted to drinking.
The liquor and dancing was indulged in by the Aryan women is clear from the kaushaki grihya sutra 1. 11-12 which says “ Fout or eight women who are not widowed after having been regaled with wine and food are to dance for four times on the night previous to the wedding ceremony”.

Marx had never written about the class in India society in deep because the class system is a complex system in India.
The Aryan society recognized four classes
The Brahmins

There where enmity between these classes, in particularly between the two highest classes namely the Brahmins and the kshatriyas. While the two classes were fighting among themselves for supremacy, they both combined to keep down the vaishyas and the shudras. The vaishya was a milk cow he lived only to pay taxes. The shudra was a general beast of burden. These two  classes existed for the sole purpose of marking the life of the Brahmins and kshatriyas glorious and happy. They had no right to live for themselves.
Below these two classes there were others. They were the chandals and shwappakas. They were not untouchables but they were degraded. They had no rights and no opportunities, they were rejected from the Aryan society.
As Dr.B.R.Ambedkar told our caste system is like a multi story building with no staircase. It is clear that the person in the top will always be at the top and the person at the bottom will be always at the bottom, he can’t climb up because there is no staircase.
The above points in the article clearly show that our culture and civilization has adapted from the uncultured and uncivilized Aryan society.


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